Apex Legends season 22 update added another set of store data to files, this includes skins from multiple events that were released in season in season 17, however, take this information with a grain of salt since this data is not the one I usually use for predicting upcoming skins, these skins may release in season 23 since some of the cosmetics mentioned here are for Christmas or within next 2-3 months.

Let’s have a look at all the skins that might return soon to the Apex Shop, as usual since these are shop skins they will only be sold for Apex Coins

Caustic “Furnance Fury”

Lifeline “Haunt+Heal”

Rampart “Regal Resolve”

Octane “Amped Adrenaline”

Caustic “Toxic Terminator”

Wraith “Dark Apparition”


Wraith “Festive Presence”

Revenant “Former Glory”

Wraith “Punk Phaser”

Octane “Hot Head”

Revenant “Night Phoenix”

Seer “Ra Talent”

Seer “Divine Oracle”

Loba “Lunar Wolf”

Revenant “Soulless Sentry”

Wattson “KillaJoule”

Octane “Netrunner”

Ballistic “General Destruction”

Gibraltar “Bionic Bodyguard”

Horizon “Lethal Lass”

Wattson “Player Two”

Horizon “Player Three”

Gibraltar “Fallen Guardian”

Bangalore “Cybernetic Soldier”

Bangalore “Cybernetic Warfare”

Octane “Heist Fashion”

Gibraltar “Grave Protector”

Bangalore “Enhanced”

Wraith “Cowl & Copper”

Mirage “Pearlescent”

Seer “Sweater Weather”

Ash “Cold Hearted”

Bloodhound “Eyes of Horus”

Wraith “Underworld Guardian”

Ash “Curse Keeper”

Valkyrie “Gingerbread”

Mirage “Man Made Man”

Loba “Sharp Dressed”

Ash “Stinger”

Bloodhound “Whistling Winter”

Catalyst “Rune Goddess”

Vantage “Graceful Hunt”

Vantage “Night Cat”

Loba “Terrifying Gaze”

Ballistic “Obelisk”

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