Apex Legends mid-season update added new shop information regarding the Death Dynasty Event which was released in Season 18 featuring Revenant Heirloom Recolor (Death Grip) since it was a collection event these skins were craftable, but now they are returning to regular store meaning you will only be able to purchase them with Apex Coins, Prices of these skins are just an assumption since files don’t contain the price of skin coming to shop. Death Dynasty Store will be available next week October 8 at 10:00 am PT

Files mention that all of the skins from that event will be available in the store as ‘Bundles’

Wraith “Void Vassal” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Horizon “Brood Anomaly” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Crypto “Dark Watcher” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Loba “Hell’s Bane” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Rampart “Hell Forger” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Rampart “Crimson Goddess” Bundle (assumed price 2500 – 2950)

Epic Bundles

Note: Epic weapon skins in bundles listed below could be inaccurate since these were not specified

Seer “Death Moon” Bundle (assumed price 1000 – 2000)

Vantage “Souless Huntress” Bundle (assumed price 1000 – 2000)

Octane “Ready Set Ghoul” Bundle (assumed price 1000 – 2000)

Death Dynasty store will be available until October 15th

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