For a limited time, Apex Legends has brought back skins from the Death Dynasty collection event released during Season 18, it includes the fan-favorite Brood Anomaly Horizon skin, Void Vassal Wraith, and more

Death Dynasty Store

Death Dynasty store will end on Oct 15 (right before the start of the Techno Terror Halloween event)
● Brood Anomaly – Horizon
● Void’s Vassal – Wraith
● Hell’s Bane – Loba
● DarkWatcher – Crypto
● Crimson Goddess – Catalyst
● Hellforger – Rampart
● Ready Set Ghoul – Octane
● Soulless Huntress – Vantage
● Death Moon – Seer

Featured Store & Recolors

● Immoveable Energizer – Wattson
● Slingshot – Valkyrie
● Deathproof – Revenant
● Boared to Death – Fuse
● Non State Actor – Mad Maggie
● Cherry Bomb – Bangalore
● Emerald Stone – Bocek Bow
● Wasteland Finery – Kraber
● Skyfox – Rampage

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