Apex Legends Devs are considering nerfing crypto very soon…
Ever since Crypto was first released back in Season 3 ‘Meltdown’ players felt his kit was underwhelming and left players in a vulnerable situation while operating his drone, throughout the seasons Respawn made various buffs to encourage players to give Crypto another chance however most of them didn’t achieve the results the developer wanted, but with Season 22 Crypto received impressive new “Off the grid” perk which granted him an invisibility cloak while using his Drone, this and other similar buffs allowed his pick rate to spike from 1.4% to 4.5% (data via apexlegendsstatus.com)
Crypto “Off the Grid” perk in-action
According to Apex Legends Pro player @Alliance_Hakis Devs already have plans on nerfing his “off the grid” perk, because his invisibility has led to players “ratting” which Respawn seems to be not happy about and a nerf for that ability will be assigned “soon”